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[Vue] Treeview, Context Menu API 본문


[Vue] Treeview, Context Menu API

junjunwon 2021. 11. 26. 09:53

"이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다."


basic vue context 출처 : https://github.com/rawilk/vue-context


GitHub - rawilk/vue-context: A simple vue context menu component.

A simple vue context menu component. Contribute to rawilk/vue-context development by creating an account on GitHub.


디테일한 vue context 가이드 사이트 출처 :https://randallwilk.dev/docs/vue-context/v6/usage/advanced-usage


Advanced Usage | vue-context | Randall Wilk

{note} vue-context has been archived and is no longer maintained. Use caution when installing in your apps. Advanced Usage #Scoped Slot To pass any data from the contextmenu event to your template, you can pass it as the second parameter of the open event
